Thursday, August 20, 2009

Today begins with our 20th day in Ukraine. I am so happy to say that because this means that the we are hopefully closer to home . Today Nina will go and lookover the court degree and make sure no mistakes and then hopefully it will be issued tomorrow afternoon. We have so enjoyed all the emails and skype calls. Andy and I fight over the computer to see if anyone has posted a comment. (Well we don't really fight, lets just say it is a race to the computer) We would like to thank our friends whom we were talking last night on Skype for eating in front of us so to speak. We couldn't see each other but they told us they were eating BBQ . How rude! We could go for some Johnny Rays or Jim and Nick just about now! Did I mention that it was Kim and Scott Thomas-that's ok because hopefully they will be here in October to adopt and we feel payback is neccessary! Just kidding-but anyway it really is great to stay connected to home. David McKnight-you will know when Andy posts because it usually is in all caps as you well know-except I think his top ten list was not because I made him use the proper computer edicate. The man has a masters degree in Communications but refuses to follow computer rules! Paula Underwood, thank you so much for letting me borrow the Ukranian hairdryer and straightner- it has been great and I must say I can understand you being jealous that we get to enjoy this nice weather to venture out verses you being in Chicago type winter weather for your adoptions. We have started doing school here. I purchased books yesterday with Russian /English translation and this morning DJ had his first lesson on the Calendar. He looked at seasons of the year and named and wrote each month to the season and also wrote the names of the months for practice. I brought alphabet cards and math cards from home and so he had a math lesson the other day. I will work with Ashley on the alphabet and see where she may be in Math. But it is a start and I can't wait to get help from other Moms who have homeschooled . We feel that we want to concentrate on learning the English language and math at home and then maybe later when they can understand better look at public school- but we will see. I just want you all to know that Andy has been playing soccer with David. I plan to take pictures of this because I know it is unbelievable but everyday they go out to a court and play. Yesterday, we found a really nice place that actually has about three or four fields with astro turf. It is about a twenty minute walk and the two are out right now playing. I don't know about this- Andy is behaving and playing soccer now-who would have thought! Jan Williams-take care of yourself. I know this will be a long process for you but your are the Queen so enjoy the attention. David's birthday is this Saturday so Ashley and I are going to the toy store which is next to our apartment and shop for him and then we are heading across the street to the mall. I hope she likes to shop with her Mom because Allison never did. Have a great day everyone.



  1. AH HA HA HA HA HA... AH HA HA HA HA HA... AH HA HA HA HA ... "Andy is playing soccer" AH HA HA HA HA HA... AH HA HA HA HA HA... AH HA HA HA HA... "Andy is playing soccer" AH HA HA HA HA... AH HA HA HA HA... AH HA HA HA HA HA...
    Oh stop it I can't breath... AH HA HA HA HA.. "Andy's playing soccer"!!!

  2. Wow 20 days already. Hurry home! We miss you. Andy you now have one week to get back and help me get the Cougars straight. Sorry I missed your call. Hit me back.


  3. Hi sis, good to hear the coming home date is soon..I hope we are all getting together for Labor Andy can show us his soccer skills,like how you and I showed ours this past Easter, lol..... I love you all, hugs and kisses for DJ and Ashley...Stay safe....
