Sunday, August 23, 2009

Celebrating David's birthday was such fun! I know he is a Garver kid when he started pressing me for his birthday present a day early, but I didn't give in and told him that he had to wait until his birthday, he never asked again unlike my kids at home would have done. I woke him up yesterday at 10:00 am- after all you can't sleep all day on your birthday and gave him the presents- a soccer game, batman coloring book and a teenage mutant ninja turtle. Then off to the big amusement arcade. I tell you I love to go to Chucky Cheese because I love to play arcade games-so I am not sure who was more excited, me or him. Suzette, Alexandra, and Yana went with us. Then we ask David where he might want to eat, he chose Rodeo because of the great borsche. We had already eaten there when we first came so off we went. Really good borsche and everything else! We came back to the apartment and spent some time digesting our fiesta of food , enjoyed Suzette and Alexandra being here (Yana had to go home, foot hurting) and then Andy says "Cake, anyone?" Of course you would have thought that none of us had eaten all day with the way we ate cake and ice cream! Sorry we missed some of your calls, but thanks for the happy birthday messages sent by email. We are loving Suzette and Alexandra being here. Tonight Sasha comes with two ladies from Birmingham and once again we all plan to eat! Have a beautiful Sunday.


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday DAVID GARVER!!!! WOW 14!!! I am ready for you guys and gals to be headed home. Jake is already asking when you will get back. He has the days numbered from the day you had court! I keep telling him that you don't know for certain yet, but he is counting down anyway! I am healing nicely and this laying in bed being waited on is what I was BORN to do :) Hang in there a little while longer Andy. Jake had is first football game Friday night and they WON!! I thought about you. Terri, you are doing great! Continue to give my love to all I know in Ukraine. You guys are in the last few miles now. Give Ashley a big hug and kiss from me. Sending lots of love to you!!!
