Thursday, August 27, 2009

I know it has been a few days since our last blog but it has been a whirlwind. Tuesday we were gone from 9:30 am until 9:00pm but we finished all the necessary paperwork in order to come to Kiev on Wednesday. The orphanage was our last stop. The kids were just getting back from camp when we arrived. Larissa (the director) was meeting with the older group in the dining room (which has been completely redone for those of you who have been there-it is so bright and beautiful). We sat in the hallway waiting for Larissa and pretty soon Davids friends showed up to say goodbye. We saw Sergey B. coming out of the dining area and stopped him. He is so cute and grown up-he stopped long enough to take one picture and off he went. Then we saw Tolya and Yulia both adorable. Tolya is at the University now majoring in Sports training. Masha is still in Italy until the 29th. Ashley went upstairs to visit her friends but quickly appeared back to us. (she probably figured after 4 years of waiting she would not let us out of her sight again.) When it was time to leave Larissa walked us out to our car. After many tears from me (the kids were fine) we headed back to our apartment exhausted from the long day. Yesterday we flew back to Kiev. We had our drive Oleg take us from Zap to Dinepro to fly back to Kiev-again as we were leaving Zap I begin to cry-just thankful to the Lord for allowing this to happen. I believe that David is going to be a fan of country music because he loves to listen to my Rascal Flat cd and as we were leaving the city he was sharing the headphones with me and we were listening to the song Broken Road ( I think is the name) and I thought how appropriate to us because it says God bless the broken road that led me straight to you and He surely did-along the way of this long 4 year journey the road seemed so broken, dead ends at times, but He knew that it would lead straight to our two kids -9000 miles from us to where we are today , a family. We will most likely be home on Tuesday night. I will post tomorrow the exact schedule after we purchase the tickets. Have a great Thursday.


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