This will be our last blog here in Ukraine. We will be home tomorrow night at 6:30 pm on Delta in to Birmingham (from Atlanta) We are so very excited. We are staying very close to the underground mall and tonight we walked there and the kids said they wanted Ukrainian food for the last time. I promised I would learn how to make borsche, David doesn't like the red base just white borsche so if anyone has a good receipe for me please send my way. Ashley really doesn't like borsche, she likes the cold soups as she says- so I probably need help there too. I really hate saying goodbye anytime to anyone- so it was really good to visit our good friends Marina, Nina and Yana and they helped us so much with the adoption and were so close to the kids over the last 4 years, but it was really hard to say goodbye. Of course I cried. Tonight we said goodbye to Sasha, he is not only our facilitator but our very good friend and a very Godly man . I often tell him that he is my brother (I didn't have brothers only two sisters) and so I would like to thank him for helping to make the adoption possible, for listening to me with all of my frustrations over the last 4 years and not once did he ever leave me with a discouraging word that there was not hope of adopting. I would also like to thank my family and friends for also listening and praying for us. Good night from Ukraine.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Kiev is a beautiful city. The architect is just absolutely breath taking. Today has been a lazy day here. We are truly counting down the minutes until we leave. Yesterday we bought our return tickets and we fly out on Tuesday from Kiev to Moscow, Moscow to Atlanta and Atlanta to Birmingham (flight #5086-arriving in Bham @6:30 pm). We found out from the Delta office here in Kiev that the Kiev to JFK flight will cease from mid Sept. and start back again in March. They didn't know why but anyway all return flights on Tuesday were booked up so we were able to fly through Moscow pretty cheap and besides we have David and Ashley who speaks Russian and can help us in the Moscow airport. We caught up with all the football scores this morning, congratulations to Jerry Hoods Clay Chalkville team on his first victory as their head coach and sorry to hear about Oak Mountains loss. We look forward to coming to some games and hopefully it will convenience David that he can like American football and Soccer-I think he believes it has to be one or the other . He was excited to hear that Ryan Hennessey plays both for Oak Mountain. I know your day is just starting out but it is evening here and the kids are going for a swim before we call it a night. I love the night time because it means another day behind us and closer to coming home. David McKnight, I just want to tell you that you are so funny and actually there is a professional soccer team staying at the hotel, I really wish Andy would have taken the iniative to talk to the coach's which were sitting in the lobby for awhile this morning as we were sitting there passing time, but you know how shy he is! Have a good day everyone.
Friday, August 28, 2009
We are set to come home this Tuesday night @ 6:30 pm on Delta into Birmingham. DJ says the days are going so slow here-I totally agree. Our time here has been alot shorter than most though and just so thankful for that. Have a great Friday night High School football tonight and we will see you soon!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I know it has been a few days since our last blog but it has been a whirlwind. Tuesday we were gone from 9:30 am until 9:00pm but we finished all the necessary paperwork in order to come to Kiev on Wednesday. The orphanage was our last stop. The kids were just getting back from camp when we arrived. Larissa (the director) was meeting with the older group in the dining room (which has been completely redone for those of you who have been there-it is so bright and beautiful). We sat in the hallway waiting for Larissa and pretty soon Davids friends showed up to say goodbye. We saw Sergey B. coming out of the dining area and stopped him. He is so cute and grown up-he stopped long enough to take one picture and off he went. Then we saw Tolya and Yulia both adorable. Tolya is at the University now majoring in Sports training. Masha is still in Italy until the 29th. Ashley went upstairs to visit her friends but quickly appeared back to us. (she probably figured after 4 years of waiting she would not let us out of her sight again.) When it was time to leave Larissa walked us out to our car. After many tears from me (the kids were fine) we headed back to our apartment exhausted from the long day. Yesterday we flew back to Kiev. We had our drive Oleg take us from Zap to Dinepro to fly back to Kiev-again as we were leaving Zap I begin to cry-just thankful to the Lord for allowing this to happen. I believe that David is going to be a fan of country music because he loves to listen to my Rascal Flat cd and as we were leaving the city he was sharing the headphones with me and we were listening to the song Broken Road ( I think is the name) and I thought how appropriate to us because it says God bless the broken road that led me straight to you and He surely did-along the way of this long 4 year journey the road seemed so broken, dead ends at times, but He knew that it would lead straight to our two kids -9000 miles from us to where we are today , a family. We will most likely be home on Tuesday night. I will post tomorrow the exact schedule after we purchase the tickets. Have a great Thursday.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Could we possibly be down to our last week in Ukraine? Tommorrow begins our adventure to obtain birth certificates, tax id, and passports. Hopefully we will get this all done in one day-their birth certificates are here in Zaporhoyzha-good thing! It really is a process but depending on what time tomorrow we can get the neccessary documents to the passport office will determine when we may be able to come home. It will either be Saturday or Tuesday. We will travel to Kiev on Wednesday and stay until we come home. Yesterday we spent the day with Suzette and Alexandra and of course we had to make our McDonald's stop. After that we all went to the soccer fields and while David played with some boys that were there, we all sat around and talked about Mexican food! We decided we would have a party when we get home with a Mexican theme. Alexandra said her mother makes a mean fresh salsa dip. We finally had to stop talking about it because we knew there wasn't a Taco Bell in site here. (Hey, who likes Taco Bell anyway, but we would have walked right in if there was one here) Last night we had dinner with Sasha, Nina, Suzette, Alexandra and two sweet Moms from Anniston. On the way home, David asked me if we were going to adopt more children like Mrs. Kim Kemp. I said no just him and Ashley for us to which he replied that when he grew up he would come back here and adopt children into his family. Wow-life is so sweet!
Have a great Monday!
Have a great Monday!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Celebrating David's birthday was such fun! I know he is a Garver kid when he started pressing me for his birthday present a day early, but I didn't give in and told him that he had to wait until his birthday, he never asked again unlike my kids at home would have done. I woke him up yesterday at 10:00 am- after all you can't sleep all day on your birthday and gave him the presents- a soccer game, batman coloring book and a teenage mutant ninja turtle. Then off to the big amusement arcade. I tell you I love to go to Chucky Cheese because I love to play arcade games-so I am not sure who was more excited, me or him. Suzette, Alexandra, and Yana went with us. Then we ask David where he might want to eat, he chose Rodeo because of the great borsche. We had already eaten there when we first came so off we went. Really good borsche and everything else! We came back to the apartment and spent some time digesting our fiesta of food , enjoyed Suzette and Alexandra being here (Yana had to go home, foot hurting) and then Andy says "Cake, anyone?" Of course you would have thought that none of us had eaten all day with the way we ate cake and ice cream! Sorry we missed some of your calls, but thanks for the happy birthday messages sent by email. We are loving Suzette and Alexandra being here. Tonight Sasha comes with two ladies from Birmingham and once again we all plan to eat! Have a beautiful Sunday.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Just wanted to start out by letting everyone know that Andy is either getting really delirious or just maybe he might enjoy soccer. Yesterday Andy and David came back to the apartment where David proudly announced that his Dad is a very good goaly. There were two other boys at the fields and David and Andy played them and won. Andy says of course he is a good goaly- little goal, big Daddy. I think they really enjoy the time together and as soon as we get home, David is signed up for a Briarwood Soccer Team and will start immediately. We are so excited that our friend Suzette and her daughter Alexadria are coming to Zaparhoyzha to stay until Tuesday. They will arrive any moment (it is 8:30 pm here) and then we are all going to McDonalds. Apparently there is no McDonalds where they have been so everyone is excited! Tommorrow big celebration for David-his 14th Birthday. Over the last four years that we have known them we have been able to celebrate 3 of his birthdays because he was in Birmingham during this time so for that we are thankful because we have pictures and memories. Tommorrow we are going to a big amusement center with arcade games and bowling and lots of fun. After that we are coming back to the apartment to celebrate with cake and ice cream and presents. Yana and Nina and Victor, Suzette and Alexandria will be here. I just want to wish Yana a speedy recovery, she broke her foot yesterday walking on the sidewalk. Yana, I guess you can't bowl tomorrow now but we will pamper you. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, I will update you on the birthday party!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Today begins with our 20th day in Ukraine. I am so happy to say that because this means that the we are hopefully closer to home . Today Nina will go and lookover the court degree and make sure no mistakes and then hopefully it will be issued tomorrow afternoon. We have so enjoyed all the emails and skype calls. Andy and I fight over the computer to see if anyone has posted a comment. (Well we don't really fight, lets just say it is a race to the computer) We would like to thank our friends whom we were talking last night on Skype for eating in front of us so to speak. We couldn't see each other but they told us they were eating BBQ . How rude! We could go for some Johnny Rays or Jim and Nick just about now! Did I mention that it was Kim and Scott Thomas-that's ok because hopefully they will be here in October to adopt and we feel payback is neccessary! Just kidding-but anyway it really is great to stay connected to home. David McKnight-you will know when Andy posts because it usually is in all caps as you well know-except I think his top ten list was not because I made him use the proper computer edicate. The man has a masters degree in Communications but refuses to follow computer rules! Paula Underwood, thank you so much for letting me borrow the Ukranian hairdryer and straightner- it has been great and I must say I can understand you being jealous that we get to enjoy this nice weather to venture out verses you being in Chicago type winter weather for your adoptions. We have started doing school here. I purchased books yesterday with Russian /English translation and this morning DJ had his first lesson on the Calendar. He looked at seasons of the year and named and wrote each month to the season and also wrote the names of the months for practice. I brought alphabet cards and math cards from home and so he had a math lesson the other day. I will work with Ashley on the alphabet and see where she may be in Math. But it is a start and I can't wait to get help from other Moms who have homeschooled . We feel that we want to concentrate on learning the English language and math at home and then maybe later when they can understand better look at public school- but we will see. I just want you all to know that Andy has been playing soccer with David. I plan to take pictures of this because I know it is unbelievable but everyday they go out to a court and play. Yesterday, we found a really nice place that actually has about three or four fields with astro turf. It is about a twenty minute walk and the two are out right now playing. I don't know about this- Andy is behaving and playing soccer now-who would have thought! Jan Williams-take care of yourself. I know this will be a long process for you but your are the Queen so enjoy the attention. David's birthday is this Saturday so Ashley and I are going to the toy store which is next to our apartment and shop for him and then we are heading across the street to the mall. I hope she likes to shop with her Mom because Allison never did. Have a great day everyone.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
It seems like all we do here is eat and alot of food! Today we went to lunch with Nina, Yana, and two friends of Nina's-very nice people I would like to add, and they treated us to lunch at an Armenian Restaurant. It was really good, alot of grilled meats and even the potatoes were grilled-oh yum! Of course for desert, ice cream. Julie Haas, if you are reading this you would love to be here because everyday it is ice cream for our treats! Late this afternoon we decided to take a walk and as I was brushing my hair, my son looked at me and said "Mom, you are beautiful" I tell you it melted my heart! There is not a day goes by that Ashley and David tells us they love us. It reminds me that there isn't a day that goes by that God tells us He loves us, I just wonder if maybe we don't listen and hear Him saying this. I would like to wish my mother, Janice Martin and my niece Jeanne Lauren Gore a very Happy Birthday today! How special to share a birthday. I would also like to tell my friend Suzette that I wish for comfort from God for her and her family and for for peace in the days ahead with her circumstances here in Ukraine. Good luck for James and Kevin starting classes at college tomorrow. Allison, give my sweet baby Ben a big hug from his Gigi. Hello to our friends and everybody have a great day.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Today was the big day for the kids to get bloodwork. Some of my friends have heard the stories of when I get bloodwork and the many times I have fainted. I recall one in particular when Allison and Kevin were young and went for check ups. Luckily Andy was with us because the Doctor wanted a little blood work from them. They didn't flinch or cry or anything, but Mama couldn't take looking at their little arms with a needle inserted and so I hit the floor. I was the one laid out on a stretcher while they looked at me with faces of "What are you doing Mom-we're the ones being stuck here" I have gotten better over the years and these times are less frequent for me, but today I didn't have to face these two children being stuck. Yanna took them back to the lab and behind the big white door I could hear Ashley letting out a big yell but everything turned out fine and she and David came out into the waiting room with smiles on their faces. After that we all went to the PowWow Restaurant. This afternoon we have been in the apartment and will just hang out and watch movies.
Hope you have a great Monday and we are counting the days until we can come home!!
Hope you have a great Monday and we are counting the days until we can come home!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
This has been a wonderful weekend. On Saturday, we went to our friend Nina's house in the country for a cookout. It was great food and great talk. Nina's husband Victor grows grapes and they were so good just to pick off the vine and eat. There was so much food! Then today we spent time with Marina and her mother and brother. We went on a boat ride around the island but first we went to an amusement park. The ride lasted a couple hours and afterwards ate at a really good restaurant. Then back to the apartment where the four of us went to the little soccer ball court outside of the apartment for awhile. Now back in for the night! Tomorrow the kids have to get medical tests here, which they are not looking forward to having blood drawn. They ask me if I had to do it with them and I told them that they only have to do this one time, Andy and I had to do it three times, each time that we had to update medicals in America. So I hope that made them feel a little better, but I doubt it. Hope all of you had a great weekend also.
Friday, August 14, 2009
I think I am becoming quiet the tech person. I figured out how to post pictures on facebook and here! This morning I decided that it would be cleaning time. I did laundry in our soviet style washer or Marina told me again that they also call it a baby machine because couples who are just starting out in marriage may have it or if they have a baby-I tell you if you had a baby and used this thing, I am afraid the baby would have to wear dirty clothes because it takes so long to do laundry, you would not have time to take care of a babies needs. After that I decided to clean the bathroom. It is amazing what you can come up with to clean with limited resources in the apartment. Has anyone ever cleaned your bathtub with Tide powder detergent? Works like a charm-smells great and shiny clean. After that my friend Gina Grace skyped me and we had a great girfriend talk. I told her that it was 5:00 pm here and I had not got dressed for the day. I did eventually get dressed and we walked all the way to McDonalds, which is a really long walk from our apartment. The night was beautiful though so the walk was enjoyable. The kids proudly announced that this was our 5th time to eat there. I told Andy that I was pretty sure when we got home that I WOULD NOT step into McDonalds for along time! We decided to take the bus back to the apartment and after we settled in DJ (or Dave as he said you could call him) did some math multiplications and he knows his time tables and division. Think I will go now and go to sleep early tonight-off to Nina's house tomorrow for a cook out.
Good night,
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Andy's Top Ten
Why Ukraine is different than the US ?
10. food is cheap
9. lots of people carry guns ( not concealed)
8. smoking is the #1 recreational activity
7. women's underwear is outerwear
6. I have not found any elevators (lots of stairs)
5. men carry purses and wear white shoes
4. you can buy ice cream or yodka on every corner
3. tounge sandwiches and bull balls are on lots of menu's
2. the roads have more pothole than road
1. McDonald's is good, with good service (no wonder after #3)
10. food is cheap
9. lots of people carry guns ( not concealed)
8. smoking is the #1 recreational activity
7. women's underwear is outerwear
6. I have not found any elevators (lots of stairs)
5. men carry purses and wear white shoes
4. you can buy ice cream or yodka on every corner
3. tounge sandwiches and bull balls are on lots of menu's
2. the roads have more pothole than road
1. McDonald's is good, with good service (no wonder after #3)




We are now court approved, certified parents to David and Ashley. It took one hour and fifteen minutes and up to this point had seemed like a lifetime. About the only question that the judge asked me was "Do you know how to make Borsche ?(the traditional soup of Ukraine-you eat it everyday, almost like us eating bread with our meal), in which I truthfully replied -"No, your Honor." Then he said that Larissa (the director of the orphanage) should teach me before I leave Ukraine. Otherwise the questions were pretty much routine. If everything works out we may be home on Saturday, August 29. I will post pictures as soon as I figure out how-all you tech people,don't laugh!!!!!! Today is a glorious,wonderful day that God has given us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terri and Andy
Ashley and David
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hi everyone,
Okay-we are down to our last hours before court. I wasn't really ever convinced that I would be able to say that. I think maybe I can describe the feeling like the hours before you get married or hours before you give birth or any big event in my life. It is filled with so many emotions. We are all a little nervous here but mostly so excited. The kids have grown so much. When I first met them and they would hug me that really hugged around my waist. Now it is a hug around my neck! In some ways time has stood still-their smiles remind me of 4 years ago when they were little people. Ashley is almost as tall as me-she has the most angelic face, she wants to help me with everything, of course I love it that she likes to help in the kitchen! And D.J.-he still loves sports, has such a sweet heart toward me and Andy and those dimples. Nina says that the kids nose looks just like Andy's. To me everything about their looks are like Andy's. Andy's grandmother was from Kiev on his father's side and I believe his mothers side also were from Ukraine so who knows maybe the kids are really blood related. But for four long years they have been heart related to us because the first time I layed eyes on them, they had my heart-and that is what family is all about!
Good night from Ukraine,
Okay-we are down to our last hours before court. I wasn't really ever convinced that I would be able to say that. I think maybe I can describe the feeling like the hours before you get married or hours before you give birth or any big event in my life. It is filled with so many emotions. We are all a little nervous here but mostly so excited. The kids have grown so much. When I first met them and they would hug me that really hugged around my waist. Now it is a hug around my neck! In some ways time has stood still-their smiles remind me of 4 years ago when they were little people. Ashley is almost as tall as me-she has the most angelic face, she wants to help me with everything, of course I love it that she likes to help in the kitchen! And D.J.-he still loves sports, has such a sweet heart toward me and Andy and those dimples. Nina says that the kids nose looks just like Andy's. To me everything about their looks are like Andy's. Andy's grandmother was from Kiev on his father's side and I believe his mothers side also were from Ukraine so who knows maybe the kids are really blood related. But for four long years they have been heart related to us because the first time I layed eyes on them, they had my heart-and that is what family is all about!
Good night from Ukraine,
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Hello everyone,
I didn't post yesterday because there is not much to tell . We had to do a little more paper work for Thursday's court. Last night I made dinner! I know it is hard to believe and we don't have an oven so I made fried chicken, fried potatoes and onions,corn, peas , tomatoes and cucumbers. The kids liked it and I remembered to bring KC Masterpiece ! Today Yana asked me if I could go and eat lunch with 4 of her students that she teaches English to. They were all teenage girls , 14 and 15. Yana asked that we go to the Japanese Restaurant. I don't like Sushi but there were other things on the menu to try. We took Ashley with us and she ordered Sushi along with the other girls. I ordered Chicken and noodles thinking this would be safe, plus fried rice. They brought my meal to the table and it had what looked like fish food sprinkled on top and it smelled like fish! We ask the waitress what it was and she replied Tuna flakes. Oh gross-I don't like fish or tuna of any kind! So I had the girls try it and eat some of the flakes off and then I took a bite . If the tuna had not shown up , it would have been good. Fried rice was bad too. Ashley had never had Sushi but she was polite and ate some. Shoguns it's not!!!!!!!!!!! The girls were sweet and we enjoyed our time together. Tommorrow Ashley and I are getting a pedicure (for me) which cost $5 and manicure (for Ashley) and getting ready for court on Thursday. Andy is still being good , no dramatic stories to tell on him. I hope all is well at home. We miss you all.
I didn't post yesterday because there is not much to tell . We had to do a little more paper work for Thursday's court. Last night I made dinner! I know it is hard to believe and we don't have an oven so I made fried chicken, fried potatoes and onions,corn, peas , tomatoes and cucumbers. The kids liked it and I remembered to bring KC Masterpiece ! Today Yana asked me if I could go and eat lunch with 4 of her students that she teaches English to. They were all teenage girls , 14 and 15. Yana asked that we go to the Japanese Restaurant. I don't like Sushi but there were other things on the menu to try. We took Ashley with us and she ordered Sushi along with the other girls. I ordered Chicken and noodles thinking this would be safe, plus fried rice. They brought my meal to the table and it had what looked like fish food sprinkled on top and it smelled like fish! We ask the waitress what it was and she replied Tuna flakes. Oh gross-I don't like fish or tuna of any kind! So I had the girls try it and eat some of the flakes off and then I took a bite . If the tuna had not shown up , it would have been good. Fried rice was bad too. Ashley had never had Sushi but she was polite and ate some. Shoguns it's not!!!!!!!!!!! The girls were sweet and we enjoyed our time together. Tommorrow Ashley and I are getting a pedicure (for me) which cost $5 and manicure (for Ashley) and getting ready for court on Thursday. Andy is still being good , no dramatic stories to tell on him. I hope all is well at home. We miss you all.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Today was a very cool day. We stayed around the apartment today until around 4:30,then we met Marina to go to a soccer game, but first we went to a very good restaurant, I can't remember the name. The game started about 7:00 and it was about 64 degrees. The soccer team is a professional team and they played Poltova. It was so funny because they had what reminded me of a student section at a college football game and they were cheering that they are the big city players and Poltova is just a little village team. They were wild,cheering and really supporting the team. Don't tell Andy but I kinda enjoyed the game. Maybe I am just delirious about now. I am not sure if they won, we left with twenty minutes left but Zap was winning. We met Marina's boyfriend Tolik and really liked him. Marina is very special to Andy and I and so we proudly announced to her that her American parents approved! We then walked to McDonalds after the game and tried to warm up. It really is good to spend time with our friends here and time passes by quicker. This morning as I was doing a devotional time, I kept going back to the times that we had seen the kids over the past 4 years and having to say good bye, to let them go. Those times I know many of us have shared together as we watched those little ones get on a plane or maybe we were here in Ukraine and had to leave them. In particular I remember those times with my friend Lynn Gully maybe because we were always standing beside each other at the airport but we always left arm in arm, crying all the way home. At times, I have a really bad back and one time when Ashley visited and was about 6 she started to cry even before we could make it to security so what did I do but pick her up and carry her the rest of the way until I had to let her go. It just reminded me of how God carries us, how He lovingly picks us up in our darkest despair and gives us such comfort. I know that there are alot of us Moms who are letting go of our babies who are going off to college. I have let go 3 times with my children, each time is hard and scary just like the times I had to let go with our children here but I know that God is right there to pick us, to comfort us, to take our children and lead them on to the next journey in life. It was hard to let Ashley go that day but God protected her and I know my friends that he will protect our ones going on to college or just going on with their lives because I know how you have sincerely prayed for your children and mine and God hears a mommas prayer.There is no greater joy than to be a Mom!
Love yall,
Love yall,
Saturday, August 8, 2009
It is cold in Zap! I really didn't bring any warm clothes or nothing but sandals. Debbie Moran, you would be freezing here but I know you would have come prepared since you wear fleece jackets in the summer time! Today Nina, Victor and Yana took us to see the horse show or horse theater as they called it. It was really neat as we went out onto the island here and guys rode horses and performed their skills and really did a play for the audience with the horses. Of course it was really authentic russian dress and performance. After that we went to eat and had very ukrainian food- which I liked. Our driver is Alec and I know that several of the families had him while here. He said that he learned English from Patricia Knipher and that he just practices when families come. He really is a good communicator so thanks Patricia for your lessons! We don't have a washing machine or dryer in the apartment so Nina brought over what Marina described as an old Soviet style washer. It really is pretty good. You plug in to the bathroom outlet (it is a big tub with a motor on it) place it in the tub, fill up with water and detergent , turn the timer on for 6 minutes and it washes your clothes. It sounds like an ice cream maker though and for a minute I was hoping to open up the lid and find homemade vanilla ice cream. Oh well, then you have to hand rinse out the water and find anywhere on your porch ledge to hang out to dry. Reminds me of when I was little and Momma would hang all of our clothes on the outside clothes line. Now our subdivisions restrict us on hanging a clothes line on our patios! Bring back the old days! It has been so good to receive all your emails and skype phone calls. To my "Hot Wings Moms"-please go have Mexican food for me and to all of Andy's friends-please tell him how he might watch the first NFL game over the computer today or tonight (we don't know what time it is on there and we are 8 hours ahead of you. I really thank my God for choosing us to be new parents to two wonderful children and that it was His will for us over the last four years that have sustained us. For those still waiting please know that I pray God's will for you too! Until we write tomorrow - thank God for all the blessings in your life!
Terri and Andy
Terri and Andy
Friday, August 7, 2009
I have to keep bragging on the weather because it has been nice and cool. For my friends that came over during the winter months, I have a new respect for you. I don't know how you survived. It has made the day go by so much faster in that we can get out and walk everywhere without having to think about the weather. Today we went to the Zap mall which is right across the street from where we are staying, had lunch next door from the mall at a pizza place with Marina. She is such a good friend and really like a daughter since she is Allison's age. Andy said he like this pizza better than any of the Birmingham pizza restaurants. Last night we walked to the pizza place by the Intourist. I had eaten there last time I came to Ukraine so I knew that they had an English menu but no one there spoke English so we decided that whatever she brought us we would eat-turned out to be good! Hope everyone is doing well in Alabama and goodnight from Ukraine.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Today is another beautiful day in Zap. Perfect weather! We also found out that our court date is next Thursday, August 13 at 11:30 a.m. Thanks goes out to our facilators Sasha and Nina whom we have witnessed their hard work in the last couple of days to make this possible. Their are alot of documents and people to see before it is presented to the courts for an appointment. The kids are doing great and we are all looking forward to coming home. Jerry-Andy's skype name is Andrew Garver. He says congratulations on your first day of practice. It has been along day so good night to all!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
It has been a very busy 2 days. We were able to get our referral early yesterday instead of waiting the whole day and we were able to leave at 2:00 p.m. to drive to Zap. Sasha drove us and those who have have had the pleasure of riding with him can understand when I say that it seemed like a flash and we were in Zap. We arrived about 8:30 p.m. to a thunderstorm. Our friend Nina took us over to our apartment and it is so nice. We met Nina at 9:00 a.m. to begin the process and what a day it has been. Now, you have to meet and be interviewed by some official, not the inspector, in which it lasted about an hour. Then he gave the approval and off we went with the inspector to the orphanage. The kids were brought back from camp to meet us at the orphanage. It has been a year since we saw them last and I tell you it was so emotional for Andy and I. After we had hugged and kissed them for awhile we all sat down in the directors office and spent about 45 minutes going through the questions and answers from the kids and finally each was asked if they wanted us as their Father and Mother and yes was the answer!!!! Our new son had his named picked out along time ago but our new daughter was not decided before we came . So we asked each of our 3 children to give us a name and middle name for her and we would present and let her choose . So from here on out our kids will be called David Joseph Garver and Ashley Lynn Garver. We have notarized all the papers today and tomorrow they will be submitted to the court for a court date. We should know something tommorrow afternoon. I have no Andy stories to tell, he was absolutely laid back and carefree. Until tomorrow-tell somebody you love them!
Terri and Andy
David and Ashley
Terri and Andy
David and Ashley
Monday, August 3, 2009
We will not travel early in the morning-papers not ready, we will leave late afternoon to go to Zap. Spent the day with the Boycott's, Rebecca Thomas, and the Kappes. We all ate at TGI Fridays and it was good! It is great to have other families with you, helps pass the time and you just have fun together. Andy says I need to clarify to everyone that he did not pay $300 to work out- he just runs every morning which you walk so much and climb stairs that I feel like I am doing the workout that he is always trying to get me to do. No , Kim Thomas- I didn't bring my iron-didn't need to, they have a great one in our apartment and you know I am the expert in irons! If you are finding it hard to post a comment here, just email me at or the skype is under Andrew Garver.
Today we awoke to the most beautiful, sunny, cool and one of the most special days ever in our lives. My friends know that I love to iron, so this morning I set up the iron, put on a cd of 70's music on my walkman ( yes, I said walkman- I don't have an ipod and don't want one-our kids just roll theirs eyes at my and Andy's inability to catch up with all the technology) and just ironed away. My friends also tell me I must be nuts in loving to iron but I tell you it is a very calming , don't have to think about anything activity and in the end you look nice! I also enjoyed my single folgers coffee bags (like tea bags) this morning, tasted like fresh brewed! Our facilitator picked us up at 9:00 to head to the office for our first appointment that iniates the process of adoption. Of course we were nervous, after all it has taken 4 years and we just didn't want anymore delays. It took all of 10 minutes and boom, ready to go. Hopefully we will leave in the morning to head to see the kids and begin the next steps to complete the adoption. Andy is out running as I type this and I am going to put my walking sandals on and enjoy the rest of the day in beautiful Kiev and enjoy the fact that I am about to become a new mom and add to our family. Wow, mom of 5 children and grandmother of 1-I love it!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Wow-what a day! Spent all afternoon and evening with the Boycott's and Rebecca Thomas. They are back in Kiev from their adoption of Libby and Artrem. Susan and I talked by phone before they came over, we had not met before today though and it seemed like we had been friends for along time with her and Bill and Rebecca. Kiev is a beautiful place. We walked everywhere! Tomorrow morning is our appointment with the SDA . We should be leaving on Tuesday to head to Zap-can hardly wait to see the kids. Until tommorrow-as my friend Lynn says on her answering machine-"Make it a great day"
Terri and Andy
Terri and Andy
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Hello from Ukraine!
We made it and I am sad to say that I don't have any Andy stories to tell. He was well behaved. We are sitting in our apartment right now watching CNN and ESPN classic. I figured we could get CNN but can't believe the ESPN one. I wonder if Andy had some part in this? The weather is beautiful today and we are about to go to TGI Friday's for dinner. We are staying right across the street from there. Andy was able to find a work out place but they wanted $300 for 10 visits. Going on our adventure now, I know about 4 Russian words as our tour guide!
Terri and Andy
Terri and Andy
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